Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Q1:    Where does the brook begin?
 Place frequented by coots and herns.
Q2    Which is the last place to be visited by the brook?
A    Philip's farm is the last place to be visited by the brook. 
Q3 When is the brook specially noisy?
A    When it flows over stones.
Q4 What are the two things the brook is always doing?
A    Moving and making sounds are the two things the brook is always doing.
Q5Name some things that float down all streams (Use your imagination).
 Flowers, leaves, twigs, insects, fishes.
Q 6 Why is the water described as silvery?
A   The sun shines on the water making it sparkle like white silver.
Q 7 Why is gravel said to be golden?
A   It is yellow and brown in colour.
 Read the extracts given below and answer the Questions that follow 

I come from haunts of coot and tern,
I make a sudden sally,
And sparkle out among the fern,
To bicker down a valley.

a) What is the birth place of the Brook?

b) How does the Brook emerge after its birth?

c) Why does it 'bicker down a valley'?
    a)The birth place of the Brook is actually the haunt of water birds like the coot and the tern.

b)The Brook gushes out in a sudden sally after its birth.

c) It (the Brook) seems to bicker down a valley because it flows down a hilly terrain. When the water flows over such a terrain, it creates a lot of noise. This noise is described as 'bicker'.

By thirty hills I hurry down,
Or ship between the ridges
By twenty thropes, a little town,
And half a hundred bridges.

a) How does the Brook seem to move?

b) What are the things that the Brook passes by before it joins the brimming river?
  a) The Brook seems to move very hurriedly by hills and seems to slip between the ridges as it flows.

b) It passes hills, thropes, a little town, several bridges and Philip's farm before it joins the brimming river.
I chatter over stony ways,
In little sharps and trebles,
I bubble into eddying bays,
I babble on the pebbles.

a) How does the brook flow on a stony path?

b) What is the figure of speech used in the last two lines?

  a) The Brook creates a chattering sound when it flows on a stony path.

b) The poet has used alliteration with the use of the consonant sound 'b'. This produces a musical sound effect.

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