Sunday, June 27, 2021

What is Democracy? Why Democracy?


Answer the following:

Q1. Write 3 arguments in favour of Dmocracy.

·        Democratic government is the more accountable form of government. A democracy requires that the rulers have to attend to the needs of the people.

·        Democracy  is based on consultation and discussion which improves the quality of decision making.

·        Democracy is based on the principle of political equality and enhances the dignity of citizens.

·        It allows to correct our own mistakes. In democracy there is always a scope that the rulers can change their wrong decision or the rulers themselves can be changed.

Q2. Is China a democratic country or not? Give your arguments in the favour of your answer.

·        China is not a democratic country in true spirit.

·        For the consisting the election to the Chinese parliament the candidates need the approval of Chinese communist party. Only the members of communist party and its 8 allies are allowed to contest the election.

·        Ther is only one party rule that is communist party in China, which is not a indication of true democratic country. Henceforth, China cannot be considered as a democratic country.

Q3. Giving an example of Zimbabwe, show how laws were made by one single ruler.

·        Zimbabwe got independence in 1980, it is being ruled by ZANU-PF which led the freedom struggle. Its leader, Robert Mugabe has been ruling the country since independence by unfair practices in elections.

·        His government has made changes in the constitution several times to increase the power of the President and make him less accountable.

·        The oppposition party workers were harassed and their meeting were disrupted.

·        Public protests demonstrations are declared illegal. Laws wre made to limit the right to criticise the President.

·        The media had been forced to write and speak in favour of the ruling party.

·        The government has ignored some court judgements that went against it and has pressurized judges.

Q4. Examine 3 common factors for democratic countries.

·        Citizens are given freedom of speech, expression and thought.

·        Free and fair elections are held on regular basis.

·        The dignity of the individual is recognised.

Q5. Why is democracy considerd the best form of government?

   Democracy cannot give us everything but is clearly better than any other form of government.

·        it works for the welfare of the people and perfoms better regarding the removal of poverty and backwardness in the country.

·        It offers better condition of living and implemets policies to ensure equal opportunities for all the citizens in education and employment.

·        It respects people’s wishes and allows different kinds os people to live together. Even if it fails on some of its promises, it allows a way of correcting its mistakes and offers more dignity to all the citizen.

·        That is why democracy is considered the best form of government.

Q6. Is Mexico a democratic country or not, give argument for the answer.

·        Since independence in 1930, Mexico hold elections every six years to elect their President. PRI ( Institutional Revolutionary Party) won all the elections till 2006.

·        All those who were employed in government offices had to attend party meetings.

·         The teachers of government schools used to force parents to vote fot the PRI.

·        Media largely ignores the activities of opposition political parties except to criticise them.

·        Opposition parties did contest elections, but never managed to win. The PRI was known to use many dirty tricks to win elections.

·        The PRI spent large sums of money in the campaign for its candidated and booths were shifted from one place to another in the last minute, which made it difficult for the people to cast their votes.

Q7. Explain the difficulties faced by people in the non democratic countries.

The difficulties faced by the people in non democratic countries are:

·        People cannot choose or change the ruler. They cannot question the authority or the dictator.

·        People do not enjoy their rights. Supporter of democracy are torchered or killed. For eg: in Chile more than 3000 people were killed by military.

·        In non democratic government, public protest are considered as illegal. Sometimes political activist are imprisoned for indefinite time. For eg: Aung San Suu Kyi in Myanmar spent long time under house arrest.

·        In non democratic government people cannot enjoy political equality. Universal adult franchise is sometimes denied.

·        In a non democratic government people may have elected their representatives but they are not actual rulers. The power of taking final decision rest with army official. For eg: Pakistan- the realpower is enjoyd by the army.

Q8. Write any 3 instances of equal right to vote in the worl of politics.


Why are China, Saudi Arabia amd Estonia not truly democratic country? State one reason for each of them.


Why are China, Estonia and Saudi Arabia non democratic countries though they have declared themselves as democratic? State one reason for each.

One major demand of democracy is Universal adult franchise that is every adult citizen have right to vote. But in the world of politics there are many instances of denial of equal right to vote.

·        In Saudi Arabia, women did not have right to vote untill 2011. On 25th September 2011, king Abdullah declared that women will have right stand and vote in future.

·        Estonia made its citizenship rule in such a manner that people belonging to Russian minority finds it difficult to get right to vote.

·        In China before contesting the election the candidates need to get aproval from Chinese communist party.

·        Although the countries declared themselves as democratic the fundamental principle of political equality is denied in all the cores. Thus they cannot be called as deocratic countries.

Q9. Explain representative democracy. Why is the representative democracy is the most common form of government in modern times? Explain any 4 reasons.


What is representative democracy? State its significance in contemporary world.

Representative democracy is the type of democracy founded on the principle of elected representatives. Represanting a group of people as the opposed to direct democracy. It si most common form of government because:

·        It allows to elect representative to have knowledge about specific subject of interest and can take decisions accordingly.

·        Representative and political parties are able to misjudge between differen pressure, groups and sections of society.

·        As the needs and demands od minorities and depressed classes are considered in a representative democracy, their helplessness is removed.

·        Representative dempcracy can make bettersense of needs and demand of people and convert them to practical action plan.

Q10. In a democracy, no one is a permanent winner or loser. Why do we say that? Give three reasons.

·        In any country we find people of different ethnic groups, differrnt communities living together. In that kind of social diversity government take different ways of power sharing.

·        There canbe difference of opinion or history proves divisions of the countries are all due to these variations in a society.

·        But these different groups can be able to live amiably if a government is able to accommodate all. Then government cannot be permanent winner or loser.





Friday, June 18, 2021

French lesson 4 notes


                                                            4. Les Saisons

Grammaire – 1. Le futur simple

Le futur simple is used for talking about the events which will take place after a long time i.e. maybe after a few months or years and therefore there can be a kind of uncertainty of happening it.

Construction of the sentence –

Subject + radical of the verb + endings ai/as/a/ons/ez/ont

Radicals of the verbs – 1) For ER verbsand IR verbs radical and the infinitive are the same.

e.g. radical of ‘chanter’ is chanter itself. So take the whole verb and add the endings as per the subject.

Note these radicals – acheter – achèter

                                         Peser – pèser


                                          Appeler –appeller

                                          Employer – emploir

e.g. regarder – to see

Je regarderai – I will see

Tu regarderas – you will see

Il/Elle/On regardera – He/She/Everybody will see

Nous regarderons – we will see

Vous regarderez – you will see

Ils/elles regarderont – they will see

Radical of ‘remplir’ is remplir itself.

e.g. choisir – to choose

Je choisirai – I will choose

Tu choisiras – you will choose

Il/Elle/On choisira – he/she/everbody will choose

Nous choisirons – we will choose

Vous choisirez – you will choose

Ils/elles choisiront – they will choose


2)  For RE verbs remove R from the infinitive and the remaining verb is infinitive. E.g. radical of ‘vendre’ is ‘vendr’.

e.g. vendre – to sell

Je vendrai – I will sell

Tu vendras – you will sell

Il/Elle/On vendra – He/she/Everybody will sell

Nous vendrons – we will sell

Vous vendrez – you will sell

Ils/Elles vendront – they will sell

3) here are some irregular radicals.



Venir –to come


Aller – to go


Avoir- to have


Être- to be


Vouloir – to want


Savoir – to know


Faire – to do


Voir – to see


Obtenir – to obtain


Pouvoir – to be able to


Recevoir – to receive


Tenir – to hold


Mourir – to die


Devoir - must


Falloir – must,necessary


Pleuvoir – to rain

Faudr – Il faudra – it will be necessary

Pleuvr – Il pleuvra

These two verbs have only one conjugation.

# when the question is in the form of fill in the blanks the key words in the sentence are ‘dans une année, après deux ans ‘ etc.

2. Le futur proche

It is used for talking about the events which will happen in near future i.e. maybe within a few moments, a few seconds, minutes, hours or even days. So there is a kind of certainty about its happening.

Construction of a sentence –

Subject + conjugation of ‘aller’ + infinitive of verb

e.g. travailler – to work

Je vais travailler – I am going to work

Tu vas travailler – you are going to work

Il/Elle/On va travailler – he/she/everybody is going to work

Nous allons travailler – we are going to work

Vous allez travailler – you are going to work

Ils/Elles vont travailler – they are going to work

# When the question is in the form of fill in the blanks the key words in the sentence can be ‘ dans quelques minutes, dans cinq minutes, dans une heure immediatement, toute  a l’heure, dans un moment, bientot etc.

Se lever

Je vais me lever

Tu vas te lever


3. L’impératif

* It is used to give orders, make requests,give commands.

* The subjects needed are only ‘tu, nous, vous’. As we can’t give order to ‘he’ if that ‘he’ is not present in front of you.

*Tu – for a singular you

  Vous – for elderly or stranger singular and plural you

   Nous – when you include yourself with the group to follow some order.

ER verbs – e.g. chanter




       Chante! - Sing

      Chantez! - Sing

  Chantons! – let’s sing

 *In a simple sentence chanter for tu is – Tu chantes. But for l’impératif only for tu remove ‘s’ from the verb. The rule of removing ‘s’ from the verb is only for tu and ER verbs conjugation.

IR and RE verbs




Finis! - finish

Finissez! - finish

Finissons! – let’s finish

Vends! - sell

Vendez! - sell

Vendons! – let’s sell


Irregular verbs






   Aie! - Have

Ayez! - Have

Ayons! – let’s have


Sois! - be

Soyez! - Be

Soyons! – let’s be


Sache! - know

Sachez! - know

Sachons! – let’s know






Pronominal verbs

           Simple sentence


   Tu te promènes.

   Promène –toi! – Take a walk

Vous vous promenez.

   Promenez – vous! – Take a walk

Nous nous promenons.

  Promenons – nous! – Let’s take a walk

You have to notice here the changes made in te,vous and nous. Also see that their places are changed.

L’impératif négatif

The following table shows the placement of ne and pas

Ne bois pas d’eau! – don’t drink water

Ne mangez pas de frites ! – don’t eat french fries

Ne marchons pas !- let’s not walk

Ne remplis pas de verre ! – don’t fill the glass

Ne replissez pas ! – don’t fill

Ne remplissons pas ! – let’s not fill

Ne vends pas ta maison ! – don’t sell your house

Ne vendez pas ! – don’t sell

Ne vendons pas ! – let’s not sell


Pronominal verbs

Ne te couche pas ! – don’t sleep

Ne vous couchez pas ! – don’t sleep

Ne nous couchons pas ! – let’s not sleep




·        When you ask a question using ‘pourquoi’ – why, yo can give the answer using ‘parce que – because/as’

Culture and civilization –

                                        Les Couleurs


































































Décrire les saisons.

1.     Le printemps – Au printemps, il fait beau. Il y a des feuilles vertes sur les arbres. Il y a des fleures dans les jardins. On peut sortir et les enfants peuvent jouer dans le jardin. Le ciel est bleu.

2.     L’été – En été, il fait chaud. Il fait du soleil. On va à la piscine et à la plage. On mange de la glace et boit du jus.

3.     L’hiver – En hiver, il fait froid. Il neige. La terre est blanche. On peut faire du ski.

4.     L’automne – En autumne, il fait du vent. Il pleut. Les feuilles des arbres tombent. Le ciel est gris.

·        If the question is ‘quel temps fait-il en hiver, au printemps… ?’ you can write the above paragraphe.

·        Avoir chaud – to feel hot

·        Avoir froid – to feel cold

·        Avoir de la fièvre – to have fever


Les vêtements –





Une chemise

A shirt

Les lunettes


Un pantalon


Les sandales


Un t-shirt


Les chaussures (f)


Un jean


Les chaussettes


Un manteau

A coat

Les bas


Un pull


Les baskets

Sport shoes

Une robe

A dress

Les tennis

Canvas shoes

Une jupe

A skirt

Les bottes


Une écharpe

A scarf

Les souliers

Leather shoes

Un foulard

A muffler

Le maillot de bain

Swimming costume

des gants(m)


Un chemisier


Un tablier

An apron

Un costume

A suit

Une veste

Ladies jacket

Une culotte


Un veston

Men’s jacket

Une chemise de nuit

Night dress

Une cravate

A tie

U peignoir

Dressing gown, bathrobe

Un linge


Une ceinture

A belt




Basilique de Fourvière -  se trouve à Lyon

                                              Construit entre 1872 et 1896

                                               Austère à l’éxterieur mais décorée à l’anterieur

                                               Connue pour les mosaïques, vitraux et marbres


Théâtre de Guignol – Ici on voit les marionnette sans fil, animée par les doights de l’opérateur

Représente l’ouvrier qui travaille dans les industries de soie à Lyon.