1. Explain any five benefits of investment in human capital formation.
Ans. More educated or the better trained persons or the healthier people are good resources of the country.
Due to investment on human capital the output of the persons is increased.
With the investments made on her education and health, can yield a high return in the future in the form of higher earnings and greater contribution to society.
By investing more on education and health, the educated people have made efficient use of
other resources like land and capital.
Efficiency and the technology evolved by people have made their countries rich and developed.
2. ‘Human resources are indispensable factor of production’. Explain.
Ans. Yes, human resources are indispensable factor of production.
Human resources have ability to put together land labor and physical capital.
With the efforts of human resources the production process is possible.
Every process of production is organized by combining land labour and physical capital and human capital.
The quality of human resource is the symbol of economic and social status of people. As such, human development requires improvements. The healthy, educated, efficient and skilled people are the asset of the nation.
1. Why are educated parents found to invest more heavily on the education of their
Ans. Educated parents are found to invest more heavily on the education of their children.
This because they have realized the importance of education for themselves.
They are also conscious of proper nutrition and hygiene.
They accordingly look after their children’s needs for education at school and good health.
A virtuous cycle is thus created in this case.
4. Why did Japan emerge as a developed country in spite of its poor natural resources?
Ans. Japan has invested heavily on the development of human resources.
They did not have any natural resource. This country is developed and rich country.
They have invested on people especially in the field of education and health.
These people have made efficient use of other resources like land and capital.
Efficiency and the technology evolved by people have made these countries rich and developed.
5. Describe the policy of government on higher education as per Twelfth Plan.
Ans. Emphasis should be given on vocational education so that people can find suitable jobs
after completion of education.
Such education will help them in starting self employment ventures.
Higher education of high quality of high quality and high standards and research oriented should be imparted.
Institutes imparting technical education to students should be opened.
4. How is human resource different from other resources like land and physical capital?
Ans. Human resource means the size and quality of people have skills, knowledge and expertise in a country whereas land is a natural resource and physical capital consists of
buildings, plant and machinery equipments, etc. required for future production of goods and
Human resource increase efficiency to produce goods and services.
These resources have ability to improve through education, training and health care.
Other resources like land and physical capital have no ability to bring about changes in themselves by their own effort.
Human resources can make use of land and capital but land amd capital cannot become useful on their own.
5. Mention any five characteristics of women workforce of India
Ans. The household work done by women is not recognized as a productive work.
Women are ill paid because they are less educated and low skill formation.
Most of the women are working in unorganized sector where there is no job security.
Women with high education and skill formation are paid at par with the men.
Indian society is conservative society; they don’t allow the women to work outside the home.
6.Explain the unemployment problem of urban areas.
Ans. In case of urban areas educated unemployment has become a common phenomenon. Many youth with matriculation, graduation and post graduation degrees are not able to find
A study showed that unemployment of graduate and post graduate has increased faster than among matriculate.
A paradoxical man power situation is witnessed as surplus of manpower in certain
categories coexist with shortage of manpower in others.
There is unemployment among technically qualified person on one hand, while there is a dearth of technical skills required for economic growth.
Mention the peculiarities of literacy in India.
Ans. The literacy rates have increased from 18% in 1951 to 74% in 2010-11.
Literacy is not only a right, it is also needed if the citizens are to perform their duties and
enjoy their rights properly. However a vast difference is noticed across different sections of population.
Literacy among mails is nearly 16.6% higher than females and it is about 16.1% higher in urban areas as compared to the rural areas.
In 2011 literacy rates vary from 94% in Kerala to 62% in Bihar.
The Primary school system has expanded to over 7.68 lakhs in 2004-05.
10. What are the major factors for unemployment in India?
Ans. Rapid growth of population is major cause of unemployment in India.
Due to the shortage of capital and other essential inputs, the industrialization process is very
slow. Underdevelopment is also responsible for unemployment.
Faulty education policy is also a major cause of unemployment.
Decline in cottage industry is also a cause of unemployment in India. In rural areas cottage
industry was the only means of employment particularly of the land less people.
Dependence of maximum population of India on the agriculture.
11. Write a short note on ‘people as resource’.
Ans. ‘People as resource’ is a way of referring to a country’s working people in terms of their
existing productive skills and abilities.
These skills and abilities help them in contributing to the creation of Gross National Product.
Thus they can act as an asset for the economy.
12. What efforts have been taken by the government in the field of education?
Ans. There is a provision made for providing universal access, retention and quality
elementary education with a special emphasis on girls.
There is also an establishment of pace setting of schools like Navodaya Vidyalaya in each
Vocational streams have been developed to equip large number of high school students with
occupations related to knowledge and skills.
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